Anyone who has spent any time in Istanbul knows that the city is occupied mostly by cats (and about 15 million people). The people are lovely but it’s the gorgeous felines who really won our hearts. This blog post catalogues the 13 best cats of Istanbul. As every other blogger has jumped on the list post bandwagon, it was high time we put one out there. This is the Essential Guide and probably the Ultimate Guide as well, to the 13 best cats of Istanbul.
The 13 best cats of Istanbul
Istanbul is one of those incredible world cities that seems to offer just about everything. A colourful history of conquest and rule by 3 different empires, a stunning location spanning 2 different continents, impressive architecture, diverse cultures, delicious food and buzzing street life.
But the most astonishing aspect of Istanbul is the army of cats that occupy the streets. They are everywhere; in shop doorways, sprawled across the pavements, guarding the mosques and museums. It’s hard to walk down the street without tripping over one. Some conspiracy theorists have even suggested they have taken over and are running the city.
This post is a homage to the new rulers of Istanbul. If you are a cat lover, prepare to be enamoured by these exquisite, furry friends. If you’re not a cat person, it’s probably best if you click off right now.
Coming Soon – the 17 Best Pigeons of Ougadougou
The Ultimate Guide to the 13 best cats of Istanbul
We spent 10 days wandering the streets of Istanbul seeking out the finest felines of the city and were overawed at the competition for the coveted position of Top Cat. So much so that our Top 10 list had to be extended to a Top 13.
We’ve placed them in order of purrfectness (sorry for that), with number 1 being the winner based on a scientific equation of cuteness, beauty, friendliness and attitude (the ultimate cat trait!). Keep scrolling as the parade of sublime creatures just gets better and better.
So, without further ado, we present the 13 best cats of Istanbul. Prepare to be captivated by these charming kitties.
13. Fatih Mosque Cat

Fatih Mosque cat won us over with his cool, calm and collected attitude. He spends his day prowling up and down the walls outside the mosque, approaching whoever he likes the look of. He’ll only pose for a photo if he feels like it and when he feels like it.
12. Prince’s Mosque Cat

Prince’s mosque cat was a far more approachable and very talkative fellow. All mosques seem to have a group of cats in their grounds and Prince’s mosque was no exception. This chap took prime position just outside the main entrance and demanded attention from everyone who passed in and out. His lovable personality charmed many people as he flitted from visitor to visitor, seeking a rub and a pat.
11. Air-Con Cat

Air-Con cat gets in because of his tenacity in coping with difficult sleeping conditions. Life as a street cat isn’t always easy. It was a stinking hot day and there he was, fast asleep on a busy street on an incredibly noisy air conditioning unit. The unit was throwing out plenty of heat but he was totally oblivious, without a care in the world, completely content with his lot in life. I think there’s something to be learned there.
10. Mehmet’s Tomb Guarding Cat

Outside the great Fatih mosque is the tomb of Sultan Mehmet 2nd, commonly known as Mehmet the Conqueror, the man who led an army to seize Istanbul and end the Byzantine empire. The important job of guardian of Mehmet’s tomb goes to this noble feline who does a wonderful job of emulating a lion, proudly watching over Mehmet’s resting place.
9. Anadolu Kavagi Cat

Anadolou Kavagi is the village at the northern end of the Bosphorus channel on the Asian side and is the jumping off point for day trippers who take a Bosphorus cruise from Istanbul to see this impressive stretch of water. Above the village are the ruins of Yoros castle which tourists hike up to see. En route you are likely to encounter this young lady who will purr, roll over and insist on some attention before you may pass. She has no fear of passing traffic as the road belongs to her.
8. Karakoy Cat

Karakoy Cat is the king of the cat village at the top of the steps of the underpass at the north end of the Galata bridge. Here in open parkland the kind people of Karakoy have set up a cat housing project to provide accommodation and food for the many street cats in the area. This act of kindness towards street cats is common throughout Istanbul. Karakoy Cat rules this domain, which is populated by dozens of cats. He fears no-one and can crush you with his icy stare.
7. Sisli Cat

Sisli Cat is a hard working puss who takes her job very seriously. She works as a security guard for this scooter on a back street in Sisli. Whenever we passed, day or night, she was there, industriously taking care of the moped. Nobody was going to have away with this bike on her watch. She’d even lost part of her ear in the line of duty. Now that’s what we call dedication!
6. Poor Mama Cat

Poor Mama Cat lives in a doorway somewhere in Sultanahmet. She’s got 3 voracious grown-up youth who just do not want to flee the nest. She knows she should be harder on them but she’s just too kind-hearted to say no. It’s about time they found their own way now. She wishes that she’d been spayed!
5. Besiktas Cat

Besiktas cat is a cute young kitten who lives in the park outside the Migros supermarket on Ihlamurdere Street. She has beautiful markings, adorable eyes and a flirtatious manner that will have you weak at the knees. Her need for constant attention will trap you for way longer than you expect so plan plenty of time for your shopping. She loves to have her chin scratched.
4. Erudite Cats

This pair of bookworms run a bookstore in the Sahaflar book bazaar, just outside the Istanbul University by Beyezid 2nd mosque. It’s a tough life trading so they take it in turns to be on duty while the other has a nap. They know that knowledge is power but they’d rather have food for thought!
3. Thirsty Cat

Thirsty Cat is another of the Fatih mosque cat crew. She’s a winsome tyke who will win you over with a cunning scheme she has devised. She waits by a water fountain with a deep basin that she cannot get into with her little legs. Then she cries plaintively for you to stop and fill your hands with water so she can drink from them. It’s a clever ploy to reel you in that works every time. It is very successful, as she greedily gulped 4 handfuls of water when she got me to serve her.

Once she has you under her spell she’ll play with you for a while in return for some strokes. Once she’s finished with your services, she will ignore you and wait for the next sucker to come along.
2. Osmanbey Big Fat Cat

Big Fat Cat is a former heavyweight boxer who now runs a bike security business near Osmanbey metro station. He lost an eye in battle but can still handle himself. Even with his rough street looks he can still charm passers by. He’s hoping for an upgrade to a bigger bike as he’s struggling to fit on this one.

We think this is Big Fat Cat or it could be his twin brother, working the same patch. What do you think? He is a bit of a slacker and is known to sleep on the job. Sleeping on ice cream fridges is one of his traits so if you want an ice cream you might have a problem. Good luck trying to shift him off.
1. Kadikoy Cat
And finally, may we present to you, the most charming and charismatic Top Cat of Istanbul… Kadikoy Cat.

Kadikoy Cat wins the number 1 title with her gorgeous looks and lovable personality. She is a bundle of joy who will bewitch you with her playful and affectionate ways. It is impossible to pass Kadikoy Cat without falling under her spell.

Kadikoy Cat waits for passing pedestrians on the sea wall along the waterfront walk from Kadikoy to Moda Park where she enchants you with her alluring personality. She will first stop you for a rub and a stroke, then she’ll have you reclining uncomfortably on the rocks as she climbs all over you, purring and kneading and lapping up the attention.

We were only passing by but Kadikoy Cat had us enraptured for over half an hour with her demands for affection. At one stage she climbed onto our bags as if demanding to be carried away to a loving home. It was seriously difficult to break Kadikoy Cat’s spell binding charm and walk away. When we finally did, we looked back and she’d hooked another unsuspecting group with her winsome ways.

What the cats taught us
It was really tough choosing the Top Cats of Istanbul as the city is packed with a multitude of these captivating creatures. In fact I’d say that in must be the cat capital of the world and if you are a cat lover it should be your number 1 destination for a purrfect holiday! (Sorry again)!
Days can be spent just wandering around interacting with these charmers. As Frugal Travellers we have learned a lot from these uncomplicated, yet content creatures. Most importantly, it’s all about finding joy in simple things!
Bonus cat – Kamelya Hostel Kitten Goreme

We couldn’t end this post without introducing one of our favourite kittens in the whole of Turkey. This delightful young lady was a ball of fun who had us captivated for hours, joyfully playing with everyone that came along into her domain. She is the Queen of Kamelya Cave hostel in the wonderful town of Goreme in Cappadocia. If you are a kitten lover then this is most certainly THE place to stay in Cappadocia.
She would certainly be a contender for 10 best kittens in the world. Maybe there’s another blog post for another time!
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Comment Below
What are your thoughts? Would these be in your list of the Best 13 Cats of Istanbul? Which one was your favourite? Do you know of any other cities that compare for kitty heaven? Let us know in the comments box below.
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3 thoughts on “13 Best Cats of Istanbul”
The Cats of Istanbul, a movie/DVD available on Netflix, a must film for cat lovers
Oh yes, I’ve heard of that. The Kedi documentary. Unfortunately we can’t get it on the UK Netflix. I’ve seen the trailer on YouTube and I’d love to see the full version. If anyone knows how to find it online, please pass on the information. Thank you!
Kitty #6–Sisli—may have had her ear snipped off rather than have been in a fight. There are programs in the US, where they trap-spay/neuter-release homeless kitties. The snipped left ear is the sign the kitty has been sterilized.